Friday, January 4, 2008

Girls Gone Mild

I had been waiting for several months to receive Girls Gone Mild for Christmas, and Santa Clause did not disappoint. Wendy Shalit, the brilliant author of A Return to Modesty, penned this remarkable look into our culture and the "young women [who] reclaim self respect and find it's not bad to be good" (the book's subtitle).

With a sense of humor and a wonderful writing style, Shalit gives numerous examples of how our modern culture views sex, morality, modesty, relationships and related topics. She also presents reasons for hope -- young women who are tired of the pressure to be "bad" and who want to be loved and respected, not used.

My copy of Girls Gone Mild is heavily underlined, as I found some wonderful insights and examples within the pages. I recommend the book to anyone -- girls and guys -- for a refreshing view of what's wrong with our culture and what we can do to change it.
You can read more, including the first chapter, here.

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