Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Project Everlasting

Last month, my Catholic Women's Book Club read Project Everlasting: Two Bachelors Discover the Secrets of America's Greatest Marriages . It was fascinating to read of the travels of two bachelors who scoured the country looking for couples who had been married for at least forty years. They shared anecdotes of several of the couples who offered their advice about what made their marriages last.

The meaning of love as a four letter word spelled G-I-V-E, the importance of respect, what commitment looks like in sickness and in health were all discussed and given life through the words and experiences of real life couples. There are lots of good books about Catholic marriage, but this book, which wasn't conspicuously religious, presented meaningful marraige advice through the witness of others.

I have been recommending Project Everlasting to everyone since I completed. It's short, easy to read and worth the time.

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