Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No Easy Decision

On December 28th 2010 at 11:30pm the season premiere of MTV's "No Easy Decision" aired.

I felt it started out well intentioned as the couple found out they were pregnant for a second time and worried about what to do and recognized the 3 possible options (Keep the child, adoption, or abortion) and said they wanted to do what was best for their baby. After the "procedure" there was an argument between the couple after the "father" called their recently deceased child "nothing but a bunch of cells" and the "mother" got extremely upset basically saying that is was a baby and "that bunch of cells could turn into this" (as she points at her 1 year old daughter). She seemed heart broken at her decision, but MTV always has to put their editing skills to work to make it look as though everything is fine the next day. They bring 2 other "mothers" onto the show as they all meet and discuss with a doctor about their "heroic" choice for their "family". It was extremely upsetting how these women justified their abortion, one woman even said "I am proud of it" and could not understand why abortion is not a more acceptable choice in our society. The show is very upsetting and I found it sad to watch a teenage couple go through the pain of abortion. If you choose to watch this show, be mindful that MTV has no problem editing their footage to put out any skewed view/agenda they want or have in mind.

On a more positive note, I found it very encouraging to know that most of the viewers that wrote on the MTV community site were very displeased with what they saw and some even spoke out about their own pain from abortion or family members. I have yet to read a comment saying "I am also proud of my abortion" which I am happy to report.

Here is the link to the Fir st Episode:

Below is a link to the MTV blog if you have any comments or want to read others opinions and thoughts:

I would like to conclude by stating that the view of "killing your child and justifying it as doing what is best for them" is false and should not be recognized as a reason for abortion. The only time that it is not a sin for your baby to die before birth that is recognized by the Catholic Church is: due to miscarriage, during birth, or the life of the mother is at risk. Adoption is always an option and their are millions of people on lists that want a child that cannot physically get pregnant.

Taken from the Catechism of the Catholic Church

2270 Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.72

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you."73

Please continue to pray for all women that have had abortions and are considering it. Jesus guide them in Your Truth.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Picture of the Day

Check out Cincinnati Right to Life's 2010 Christmas billboard. Genius. Channel 5 reported that it's causing "quite a stir...." Makes me :) "The simple shepherds heard the voice of an angel and found their lamb; the wise men saw the light of a star and found their wisdom." - Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Being Attractive Does Not Mean a Perfect Marriage

A popular hypothetical question people often pose is, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?" The first answers tend to be along the lines of: "my weight, my muscles, my hair, my nose, my legs, my arms, my height..." I don't know if I've ever heard someone answer: "my sense of humor, my intelligence, be more caring, my ability to love, my ability to cook..." No, those are not the typical answers to this question. And why is that? I believe it's because we are bombarded by ads, movies, books, magazines and songs that make all kinds of proclamations: "I want that body, you should look like this, you should dress like this, your face should look like this, this is how to be happy, this is how you find your soul-mate."

What if I told you that your physical attractiveness is not what really matters in order for your marriage to succeed? Would you think I am crazy?

Every year, People Magazine decides who is the "Sexiest Man Alive" and GQ Magazine decides who is the "Babe of the Year." Well, who would ever break up with "the sexiest man alive" or the "babe of the year"? I am sad to say that they would break up with each other.
What has been looked at as "Hollywood's hottest couple," Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson, have decided to break off their marriage after 2 years. We look on as bystanders, fed with the image of the "perfect couple" and think "Why? This was the perfect marriage; they are both so attractive."

As Catholics we must recognize reality, and get out of the Hollywood mentality of "perfection is being rich and beautiful." We have to realize that looking "perfect" on the outside will not automatically lead to a perfect life, a perfect marriage, happiness and love. Physical appearances come and go. Your dedication to your spouse, rooted in the graces of a sacramental marriage, is the superglue that binds a couple together for life.

We must focus on growing and nourishing the personal gifts that we have been given by God and the Holy Spirit. I am not saying we should not keep our bodies healthy; it is important to exercise and take care of our physical body. We should not, however, lust and envy over those that the media tells us are "perfect, attractive, sexy." There is only one person we should long to be like... Jesus Christ. He has sent us His Holy Spirit to be with us always. So let us continue this Advent and into the New Year, to nourish the beauty and talent that we have been given.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12th, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
"Am I not here who am your
mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection?
Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?" - Our Lady to St. Juan Diego

I love being Catholic. No where else can you get the Eucharist, Christ, and no where else can you get the fullness of the beauty of Our Lady. Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of my special favorites particularly because she reminds me to be open to God. Openness to God. As you can see, if you look closely, this is the only picture of Mary while she is pregnant; she's bringing Him to you. Openness and receptivity.
P.S. AND patroness of the Americas and the pro-life movement. Another great reason to love her.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Butterfly Circus. . . Well Worth the Watch.

There is nothing better on a wintery-ish December evening than curling up on the couch, sweatpants on, blanket in tow, pillow ready, and a cup of hot chocolate in hand, and a movie to watch . . .

Annnnnd this is what you should watch: The Butterfly Circus. I just spent the last 20 minutes sitting in Starbucks curled up on a chair watching this movie. And was wowed. . . there are very few movies that are beautiful. And very few that are well made and challenging to those who watch them. And that are short. This is why you should watch this movie. . .

1. This movie has a bea-u-tiful and captivating plot. It takes place in the Great Depression and is the story of a showman (Eduardo) who travels across the devastated American landscape, lifting the hearts of the audience as he travels. He ends up meeting a man without limbs and brings a new dimension into his life. In short, this movie is about hope, something that we desperately need. It's also about the unique dignity that each human being possesses simply because of who we are as a son or daughter of a King. Another truth we need to hear more often in our lives.

2. Eduardo Verastegui. He is definitely an incredible actor. You might have seen him in Bella a few years back and probably fell head over heels in love with him to boot. I admire Eduardo for many reasons, especially for his humility and charity, something that you don't exactly find in Hollywood every day of the week. A former Mexican soap star, he had a radical conversion and has since dedicated his life to bringing the dignity of the human person into film. I met him a few years back while in college, and was really moved by how genuine he was.

3. It's short. 20 minutes, to be exact. No excuses. You can watch the WHOLE THING on Youtube.

4.Joshua Weigel and his wife Rebekah wrote, directed, and produced this entire movie. Together. They've been married for 14 years, and I think that they are a fabulous testimony to what it means to work in marriage as a team to bring something true, good, and beautiful to others.

The future of humanity lies in the hands of those who are strong enough to provide coming generations with reasons for living and hoping.” (Guadium et Spes 31)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Check it out!

I hope you all are having an amazing Advent! I love this time of the year - pure joy :)

So, Fr. Kyle Schnippel, the Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has an awesome new website : It's been revamped and looks amazing!
Check it out if you're curious just to see what goes on in the life of a priest, if you're thinking about a religious vocation, or if you just want to get to know Fr. Kyle - hands down one of my favorite priests!

This website has a blog, and answers questions like "What does a religious brother do for fun?" You can also learn more about the priests that serve our diocese with features such as "The Man Behind the Collar." Here's a video that appeared on the website recently:

One of my favorite documents from the 2nd Vatican Council, which JP2 was involved in, says that "Man cannot find himself without making a sincere gift of himself" (GS 24:3), meaning that it is in pouring our lives out to others that we are fulfilled. . . think about that. We're pretty much encouraged everywhere we go that we should "get" more in life - more clothing, new cars, bigger houses, better sex lives etc. and that it is through these things that we will be more fulfilled and more happy. But is that really true? It's rarely mentioned that real happiness and fulfillment aren't found in getting more, or focusing on ourselves; it's in giving more of ourselves to those around us and seeking Truth. "Finding ourselves" doesn't come from focusing on ourselves. That's why some priests and religious sisters are some of the happiest and most fulfilled people that I've ever met - they know how to give.

"This is the meaning of true love - to give until it hurts." - Mother Teresa