Friday, October 31, 2008
Question Box Friday: How far is too far?
First, we discuss a study that was done by scientist Desmond Morris who developed the Steps of Sexual Progression. There are 12 steps, we discuss the first 8 which are as follow: (1) Notice the other person, (2) Eye-contact, (3) Conversation. These first three steps are the foundation of a relationship, because it is in talking to another person that you get to know them; their likes, dislikes, hobbies, talents, interests, morals, values, etc. The next three steps are side-by-side physical contact that still allow for conversation to take place: (4) Holding Hands, (5) Hand-to-Shoulder, (6) Hand-to-waist. The next two steps are more intimate physical contact: (7) Simple Kiss, (8) Hand-to-Face (This is not a slap. This is a prolonged kiss in which one brings their hand to caress someone face. It is intimate kissing). We do not discuss steps 9-12 because these are steps that begin to prepare one's body for sex with the final step being sex. If we are saving sex for marriage then we ought save sex and all the steps that prepare the body for sex for marriage. It took eight steps to get to intimate kissing and only three steps are left until you reach sexual intercourse so after step eight things escalate quickly and it is good to set up boundaries at step eight or even before. Also, Morris discovered that if any of these steps are hurried along or skipped all together, the bond between the man and woman is weakened. We encourage the students to wait to date until they are much older, but once they do start dating we encourage them to take their time and really get to know one another.
Secondly, pretend it is a beautiful summer day and you are at Niagara Falls with your boyfriend or girlfriend having a picnic. You have never been there before and you want to get a closer look at the falls so you get up and go running over to the edge. How close can you get to the edge before you know that you have gone too far? You can only know when you have gone too far, once you have already fallen. Otherwise, you might think you can always go a little further and a little bit further because you have not fallen yet.
We say that the questions "How far is too far?" is the wrong question to be asking because in a sense we are really asking "How close can I get to hurting you without actually hurting you?" or "How close can I get to sinning before it is considered sinning?" Asking this kind of question is not really loving someone. Rather, if we really love someone, we should be asking, "How can I show my affection for this person?" or "How can I show how much I care for them?" and ultimately, "How close can I bring this person to Christ?" By saying "no" to sex and sexual activity before marriage, we show how much we love someone because we show we are willing to wait for them and that we have their best interest at heart.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
When is a good time to start dating?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
An attack on the dignity of the human body.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Changed Hearts
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
True Feminists are Pro-Life because they are Pro-Women
Monday, October 20, 2008
An Encouraging Word
And from time to time we may fail; we may stumble. It's important to remember during these times that God always loves us. His love never fails. God is not surprised by our weaknesses or our sins. He knows we are weak without Him. What surprises Him is our lack of faith in His mercy and love. Never run from Him. Never convince yourself that you are too sinful to approach God. This wounds His heart more than your sin. When we face sin in our lives honestly and openly and humbly admit them and seek God's forgiveness, He will have mercy on us and empower us to overcome them. It is never too late for anyone to turn to God and to overcome obstacles. And then sit back and watch as your life becomes more fulfilling and more satisfying than you ever imagined possible.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
About the The Pill
Did you know that The Pill can often cause an abortion? Find out want doctors fail to tell women about The Pill: click here.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Beauty of Modesty
The In Control chastity program that Thom and I run has a six part definition:
(1) Saving sex and all sexual activity for marriage
(2) Married couples remain faithful to one another
(3) Priests and religious take a vow not to have sex
(4) Dress Modestly
(5) Respect for oneself and others
(6) Purity of thoughts, words and actions
Basically, chastity is the virtue that helps us live out our sexuality in a way that is in accord with God's plan for our life.
I want to speak with you for a moment about the 4th part of our definition of chastity: dressing modestly. It is so important for us to regard our bodies as something very special and dress accordingly: covering up those parts that are not meant to be seen by the whole world.
Here are some great fashionable and modest clothing for you to check out:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
HOOKED: New Science on How Casual Sex is Affecting our Children
Think STDs and pregnancy are the only consequences to worry about when it comes to casual sex? Time to think again. New science research find emotional and psychologically consequences of casual sex. Want to read more about this new scientific research click here.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A Previous Abortionist on Abortion
Friday, October 10, 2008
Helping the Parish
God Bless!
Good News about Sex and Marriage
Christopher West's book entitled The Good News about Sex and Marriage is an interesting and helpful read to better understanding the Church's teaching on sexual morality. West takes the most controversial and most asked questions about sexual morality and answers them; often in light of John Paul II's Theology of the Body. West combines his gifts of knowledge, wisdom and wit to help explain the Church's deep teachings on sex and marriage.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Church and Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Drop your Dough for Diapers
Pregnancy Center East relys on the generosity of others in order to provide the life giving services we have. One event coming up that will help raise funds and awareness of Pregnancy Center East is an
Exclusive Market Day Shopping Event
"Drop Your Dough For Diapers"
A wonderful opportunity to get a jump on your holiday shopping, and purchase many specialty items including: custom stationary, jewelry, purses, children's clothing, one of a kind art work, beauty products, custom jackets and skirts, trunk show featuring Khaki's, monogrammed gifts, Otazu Jewelry, golf and tennis gifts, , Southern Living.....Come with your friends and neighbors for a cup of coffee, or a boxed lunch and plan to make a day of it!!!
Being Held In Historic St. Rose Church Undercroft
2501 Riverside Drive
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
10 am – 8 pm
Our amazing variety of specialty retailers will be directly donating a portion of their sales to help raise funds for clients in need of our everyday free services!
We hope you will come out and support the Center while buying items for friends and family.